Proficiency Evaluation Guidelines

Kentucky Education Professional Standards Board

Proficiency Evaluation (16 KAR 5:030) Guidelines

Approved: December 10, 2018


The traditional means of recognizing competency and proficiency for educator preparation is by earning academic credits. This administrative regulation provides an alternate means for recognizing competency and proficiency within an educator preparation program (EPP) approved by the Education Professional Standards Board (EPSB) for initial certification, another certification area, endorsement, or extension.

The EPP may only conduct proficiency evaluations for existing, EPSB-approved EPPs. When conducting a proficiency evaluation, the EPP may assess proficiency by considering any of the following factors: previous education; comparable experience; or proficiency assessment at a level comparable to the usual requirements in the content area in which the educator is seeking certification.


Submitting an Application:

  • An EPP should notify EPSB of the its intent to conduct proficiency evaluations by submitting an email to Kim Arington
  • The EPP should attach the plan that sets forth the process by which it will conduct the proficiency evaluation to assess a candidate’s attainment of the applicable educational program standards


Plan Components:

  • Identify the programs for which the EPP plans to conduct proficiency evaluation
  • Describe the process for evaluating a candidate’s proficiency
  • Identify the assessment used to measure the performance-based standards (must be comparable to currently approved program)
  • Identify the requirements for admission (16 KAR 5:020) and completion; educators holding a valid Kentucky certificate seeking another certification area are not required to meet the admission requirements established in 16 KAR 5:020(1)(2)(b) and 16 KAR 5:020(1)(3)(b)
  • Describe the required field experiences for candidates who are not employed in the area for which certification is sought
  • Include a sample of the Employment Eligibility letter


Timeline for Implementation:

  • For Spring approval, proficiency plan applications must be submitted to EPSB on or before November 1
  • For Fall approval, proficiency plan applications must be submitted to EPSB on or before April 1


Applying for the Proficiency Provisional Certification
(renewable for up to two years)

  • The candidate must submit a complete Proficiency Provisional Application Form, including the Educator Learning Plan (ELP) that outlines the necessary requirements to complete the program (similar to a curriculum contract/guide sheet)
  • The EPP is responsible for recommending that EPSB issue certification to candidates who are eligible under the proficiency regulation
  • Upon completion of ELP, candidate requests Professional certificate (CA-1 Application)