Bachelor of Arts In Childhood Development and Family Relations

Picture of Teacher and children in art class

The Bachelor of Arts Degree in Childhood Development and Family Relations prepares students to pursue careers in areas such as but not limited to research, evaluation, children’s programming, family advocates and parent-child education. Other career options for individuals completing this degree include managing an in-home childcare center, early childhood director, curriculum developer, and corporate advisor for in-hours child care facilities.

Program Requirements

To satisfy the requirements for the Bachelor of Arts degree in the Childhood Development and Family Relations non-teaching program, a student must complete a minimum of 125 semester credit hours with 33 semester credit hours in Childhood Development and Family Relations.

The required courses are CDF 101, 102, 203, 204, 206, 305, 315, 407, 408, 409, 420, and 421; and 29 semester credit hours from other academic areas. These required courses are: CJE 220; EDU 310; ENG 260; FNU 203; GNT 102; SOW 201, 308 and 497. In fulfilling degree requirements, students must also complete 13 semester credit hours of free electives.

A minor in Childhood Development and Family Relations requires the completion of 18 semester credit hours. Specific course requirements include: CDF 102, 203, 204, and 315; and 6 semester credit hours selected from CDF 420, PSY 400 or 404, SOC 304 or 305, and SOW 308.