Miscellaneous Uses

The inner bark was used by fishermen for stringing fish and by Indians for repairing fish nets and garments (Lloyd and Lloyd, 1884). Extracts of the seeds contain the alkaloid asiminine, which is reported to be emetic (Vines, 1960). The bark contains the alkaloid analobine and was once used as a medicine (Vines, 1960). A more recent development with exciting potential is the discovery of another alkaloid, asimicin, which has pesticidal properties (Rupprecht et al., 1982). The highest concentrations of this compound are found in the bark.


*The Pawpaw (Asimina triloba)
*Research Needs
*Table 1 - Descriptions for Species of Asimina Native to the United States Mainland
*Table 2 - Nomclature of Asimina Species
*Table 3 - Pawpaw Cultivars
*Table 4 - Traits to be Considered When Selecting Pawpaws
*Figure 1 - Distribution of Asimina triloba in the united States
*Figure 2 - Distribution of Asimina Species Native to Extreme Southeastern United States
*Figure 3 - Distribution of Asimina parviflora in the United States