Employee Profile - Dr. Serge Phanzu

Serge Phanzu

Name: Dr. Serge Phanzu

Position: Assistant Professor of Mathematics

How long have you been employed at Kentucky State University?

I have been employed at Kentucky State University for half a year.

What do you enjoy most about your role?

I enjoy studying and teaching mathematics. Seeing my students grow brings great satisfaction. The interactions with them also broaden my perspectives as I teach.

What has been one of your favorite moments at Kentucky State University?

Kentucky State University is lovely. I had felt exultant upon getting my faculty Thorobred card.

What do you enjoy when you're not working?

I enjoy reading, watching a movie or news, and spending time with my family. 

What is one thing you couldn't live without?

The word of God (The Holy Bible).

A fun fact about me is...

I am trilingual!