Student Engagement and Leadership Development Frequently Asked Questions

Listed below are some of the frequently asked questions about Student Engagement and Leadership Development at Kentucky State University.

Where can I go the receive help with a class?

Start by obtaining your professors office hours and seek help. A student can visit the ACE Lab.

How do I get involved at the university?

Go to the Office of Student Life where you can be made aware of what organizations are available at the university.

What if I get ill, what should I do?

If it is an emergency call 911, if not an emergency call the Health Services.

What if I have a problem with a fellow student?

Contact the Hall Director, the Student Ombudsmen or the Assistant Vice-President.

How do I appeal a grade at the university?

Go to the Department Chair, the Dean of the Department then to the Academic Affairs Office.

What should I do if I have a problem with a staff person or a professor?

Contact the Student Ombudsmen, the Assistant Vice President or the Judicial Officer.