Kentucky State University mourns the loss of FCPS Superintendent Manny Caulk

Kentucky State University mourns the loss of FCPS Superintendent Manny Caulk

A difficult year was made even more so this weekend, as the Kentucky State University family mourns the loss of our friend, partner and fellow advocate in education, Fayette County Public Schools (FCPS) Superintendent Emmanuel “Manny” Caulk. 

Kentucky State University’s relationship with FCPS flourished under Caulk’s leadership.

Dual credit participation of FCPS students at Kentucky State has increased tremendously under Caulk’s supervision and 30 percent of FCPS students participated in the statewide dual credit program. 

“Kentucky State has had a great relationship with FCPS for years,” President M. Christopher Brown II said. “We are perennial patrons at the FCPS back-to-school kickoff, and many Kentucky State faculty and staff serve on advisory committees. Kentucky State also partners with several of the schools in delivering dual credit options for FCPS students.”

The Kentucky State University family extends heartfelt sympathies to the Caulk family and all of those who loved him. We will forever cherish his lasting contributions to education and the Commonwealth of Kentucky.