Kentucky State University focused on changing the culture at Fall Encampment 2019

Kentucky State University focused on changing the culture at Fall Encampment 2019

Posted on August 19, 2019

Kentucky State University President M. Christopher Brown II focused on changing the culture of campus when he convened faculty and staff Aug. 12 for Fall Encampment 2019.

The event officially began the first half of the academic year for Kentucky State. Encampment brings together Frankfort community leaders, faculty, staff, students and alumni in finding new and effective ways of developing ideas, pursuing innovative strategies and applying knowledge for the public good.

Seminar leader Eric Stoller, higher education speaker, consultant and writer, led discussion on the importance of digital transformation at Kentucky State.

Stoller showcased several examples of social media practices adapted by institutions in the United States and the United Kingdom.

Senior Vice President for Brand Identity and University Relations Clara Ross Stamps spoke about respecting the brand of Kentucky State.

SVP Stamps discussed what respecting the brand means and concrete examples faculty and staff could do so, while building pride in the institution and enhancing the experience for students.

President Brown gave a presentation entitled “Change the Culture: Excellence Without Excuse” during the afternoon portion of Encampment.

President Brown said the institutional priorities for the academic year include academic outcomes, brand identity and campus culture. President Brown also put special emphasis on customer service and exceeding the expectations of students.

President Brown pointed to industries that have been disrupted in the recent past.

“Technology is not the disruptor,” President Brown said. “Customer service is making the difference. I want you to leave today empowered. If you encounter a student or staff issue, ask yourself what Brown would do.”