Employee Profile - Chandee Rae Felder

Name: Chandee Rae Felder

Position: Administrative Assistant III for Computer Science and Faculty Senate

How long have you been employed at Kentucky State? Seven years

What do you enjoy most about your role? I enjoy making a difference. By working as a team and putting the best interests of students first we each can make a difference in the success of our students. I like being an integral part of that team.

What has been one of your favorite moments at Kentucky State? One day a student named Rashad came up to me and said, “Ms. Felder, I want to thank you for encouraging me to attend KSU, it has been good for me.”

The student had been at the HBCU showcase and was not sure what he wanted to do with his future. I told him all of the benefits of coming to Kentucky State and he decided to take advantage of them. Every time I see him on campus or watch him shining as he sings with our choir, I am reminded of the pleasure of having been influential in his decision to attend Kentucky State. That feeling can never be taken away from me.

What do you enjoy doing when you’re not working? I enjoy spending time with my parents, who are getting older and having health problems. I also enjoy spending time with my only child. I am currently giving driving lessons to her, which I have to make myself enjoy.

What is one thing you couldn’t live without? I could not live without my faith. I believe one day everyone will treat each other kindly and we will all be united, peaceful and loving towards each other.

A fun fact about me is… I love to dance. I dance my heart out as if no one is watching all the time…well, not when I am working!